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Sunday, May 2, 2021



bhimkund odisha

Bhimkund is a tourist destination in Mayurbhanj district in the Indian state of Odisha. This scenic spot is created in the heart of the ever-flowing Baitarani River. Every year, many tourists from home and abroad come to this place.

How to get there?

 First you reach Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha, and reach Mayurbhanj or Kendujhar district. Then you can go to Karanjia or Thakurmunda area of ​​Mayurbhanj district with the help of Google map. You can also come directly from Kendujhar district. You can use two-wheelers, four-wheelers or buses for travel. Parking facilities will be available here.

What to bring with you?

If you are just coming for a walk, bring packaged food, dry food, fruit, and if you are coming for a picnic, bring kitchenware, marketing stuff. You will bring a camera for photo and video graphics or work on mobile. You can cook here and enjoy a picnic with friends or family.

When will you come?

You can come at any time from November to February. At this time you can see the crowds of tourists and have a forest party with them. The day will arrive around 10 a.m. and will be out before 5pm after the forest party. On your way back, you can spend the night in Karanjia, Thakurmunda or Kendujhar lodges.

What to see?

You will see the beautiful views of the Baitarani River here along with the river water falling in two natural water wells , one small and the other large. While the small well  is not very deep, the depth of the large well(kunda) is unknown.

It is a large circular natural well which covers a large area. The depth is so great that any creature or substance that penetrates here moves in too much by current of the deep well. A human once entered in the well can not get out from here himself ,he will disappear in a few seconds and after 3-4 days he will appear again in dead condition .It is happening again and again ,so be careful. 

 The construction of a new bridge over the Baitarani river is going on near  Bhimkund .You can enjoy the both side view of Bhimkund after the completion of the bridge .

There is a beautiful Shiva temple here. You can also see a statue of a huge Bhima at the top.


You have to be very careful when you come to visit this place. Be sure to follow the information written on the stone. Keep a close eye on the young children.  It's best to be careful earlier .

The government should take care of the safety of these places and tourists, especially those who are falling into the water due to negligence. It can also do some construction work as needed.


According to folklore, the Mahabharata has a connection with Bhimkunda. It is said that Panchpandava were walking along this path  during the AGNYATABASA, they  became very thirsty, so Bhim dug the well  to complete their  thirst and  to take bath.


Now the question arises, how logical is that folklore  in the age of science? However, the current reality shows that a huge rock block prevented the Baitarani River from flowing down from time immemorial, causing the water whirling  there and form a hole, gradually deepening and widening. Unable to penetrate the huge rock, the flow of water changed the course of the curve and left the straight path to the curved path.

So which one should we believe ? Folklore or reality ? Nothing may 100% correct ,there may any hidden reason behind the creation of the big natural well.

Come visit this place once and try to find the answers to these questions.

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