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Sunday, May 9, 2021



top 10 anger reasons

Anger is the biggest of all enemies. We all have enemies   around us. We think   that enemies are our surrounding persons and they are very jealous to us. They can’t tolerate our progresses   and   always try to pull ourselves back, but have you ever think about our inside enemies? Yes, we have some inside enemies living inside our body . Every anti-social behaviours are our enemies .Among all the inside enemies ‘anger’ is the biggest. Every outside enemies may not be controlled but the inside enemies can be controlled and hence ‘anger’ can be controlled . Let us discuss about the top reasons of anger  and also some management techniques .

                                   REASONS OF ANGER

1.A fault done by you;-

 Suppose  you have done any major  fault in any field ,may be in your office ,family or any social settings and  someone asked  about it then you get angry.

2.Excessive workload;-

If you are working overtime without taking any rest ,it will surely make you angry .

3.More Expectation of family from you;-

If you have more dependents in your family and all of them looking for your income for their expenses then it will make you angry .

4.Health issues;-

If you or any of your family members have any major or regular health related issues ,it will make you angry .

5.Income stop;-

If you are doing your own  business and making continuous losses ,you will not be able to meet your expenses which makes you angry .

6.Your Wife/Gf;-

  If your wife/gf  is not supportive to you in good or bad situations ,then it will bring you tension .If your wife/gf have any extra-marital  affairs ,it will bring you tension and anger .

7.Fighting with others;-

If you engage yourself in fighting with your relatives ,co-workers or others ,you will be angry .

8.Stopping of inner emotion;-

You have some secret things which is playing with your emotion but you are trying not to express it to others ,so this thing will continuously make you tension and angry .

9.Loneliness ;- 

If you are not making interaction   with others you will be lonely and angry .

10. Laziness;-

If you are only sitting and eating without willing to do any work ,it will cost you a lot . It will bring many bad thoughts in mind which make you tension and angry .

These are only top ten reasons of anger ,you may find many others also in you .



anger management
anger management

1.Do fearless work with peaceful mind ,do not think seriously about the fault done by you ,discuss with experts or seniors to solve the matter .

2.Avoid excessive work in greed of money ,only do your allotted work .

3.Discuss about income and expenses with family members ,do not take it secret .

4.Try to solve any major  health related issues of your family by consultation with expert doctor .

5.You need to take a back up income for family support ,do not always look for your only source of income .Follow the dual income procedure .

6.Discuss and solve the matter with your wife .

anger management techniques
anger management 

7.Try to avoid the fighting situations .Do not fight with others ,solve the matter with discussions .

8.Express your emotions with right persons or your intimate persons only .

9.Maximise interaction with friends ,co-workers ,family members and public and avoid loneliness .

10.Do not rest whole day without any reason ,do any work ,may be office or home work to keep your mind free of bad thinking .

11. When you got angry ,make yourself alone and after sometime , your angriness will be vanished .

 Try these above tricks and find the results .


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