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Monday, March 29, 2021



Whenever the children starts talking some unknown words , we feel very happy. This is the time when we try to enable them to hear some small words and we expect uttering of same words from them. These words may not be 100% correct from the children but we accept it .

early childhood care
Early childhood care by parents

The children recognise their parents, grand parents and also other family members and try to call them and very soon they learn . When they expose to the nearest environment , they learn the names of various environmental objects such as car ,bus ,ball ,bat, crow, goat  etc. It is very sure that when the children learn some words ,they can not forget .

early childhood care

Young children are very fond of play . They play with their tiny mini   friends. During the play time they learn some words. They learn the   name of various dolls, playing materials   and also the name of their friends . It is very good to play with friends during the young age .

During play time sitting, standing, bending, running ,pushing, pulling etc activities are common .These all activities help children to be active and healthy .The motor activity, coordination of various body parts ,power of memory develop gradually .The physical activities also helpful for the growth of different body parts ,muscles and bones .


The job  of the parents plays a vital  role  in building a young child .we can say that the role of the parents is like the foundation of a tall building .The parents are the first teacher of a child. The  roles are as follows.

1.Say many simple words in children’s language to listen on repeated basis daily .So that gradually they remember and surprisingly one day you will hear the same word from them. For this you can utter a word with real objects like rain ,ball, bat, moon, sun .You can use the pictures like tiger ,lion and say them this is lion ,this is tiger etc .Do not say them the imaginary objects like devil, ghost etc. Always go with reality .

2.Accept the children’s emotions positively. A child may cry or laugh at anytime .For this do not blame others .If a child cried ,try to swing his/her mood by showing or bringing something which he/she likes. You can vanish it’s cry by childish talk also .

3. Allow them to play with friends .Do not make them alone .You should not give them risky playing materials like sharp knife ,blade etc. Provide them safety playing materials .Playing area should be clean and safe. Always take a closure look while playing. You need to give extra time to them ,if you have no time then you may opted for care taker .

4.You need to habituate your child to sleep sufficiently .

5.Provide proper diet to them .Follow the diet chat  from Anganwadi and do not hesitate to feed your mother milk .

                                     Make your child the best.



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