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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Cyclone YAAS Update, Mayurbhanj, Odisha

Cyclone yaas
Cyclone yass

Cyclone 'yaas' made it's landfall around 11 A.M. The coastal districts effected a lot. After landfall it started moving towards mayurbhanj district. 

Very heavy rainfall still going on in Mayurbhanj district.The wind speed is around 110-120 km/hr and the rainfall is around 310 mm.

Due to the continuous raining in the similipal forest, the Budhabhalang river showing it's anger. Some asbestos houses loose their tops and somes trees has been broken downThe government is trying it's best to evacuate people from their homes to the nearest cyclone shelter centres. 

There is still red warning for heavy to heavy rain and wind till next 5-6 hours in Mayurbhanj district. 

The local sarapanch and some volunteers of the rural organizations  trying their best to serve people by providing relief and shelter to the affected. 

Cyclone yaas
Relief for Cyclone effected

       Pray for minimum casualties. 

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