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Monday, May 24, 2021

Threat of Yellow fungus infection after Black and White fungus

Yellow fungus
Yellow fungus infection

 The whole world is seeking relief from the covid pandemic. After black and white fungus, the yellow fungal infection has been reported in India. Patients suffering from yellow fungus are lethargy, has low appetite, or no appetite at all and weight loss.First yellow fungus has been reported from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. As per the report this form of fungus is said to be more dangerous than black fungus and white fungus.  


Lethargy and appetite issue,  leakage of pus and slow healing of the open wound and all wounds.As per the report,  It can also lead to organ failure and sunken eyes due to eventual necrosis.


Bad hygiene around your surroundings is said to be the main cause of yellow fungus.  


Amphotericin B injection, a broad spectrum antifungal medicine, is said to be only available treatment for yellow fungus. 


Keep yourselves clean, live in healthy environment, Focus on your cleanliness. 

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