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Sunday, March 28, 2021


 You can see fire in the forest during evening time of the summer. We can say it is human attack on forest and it's children. . Once the fire catches  the dry leaves, it can not be controlled as the forest is dense and you can find dry leaves everywhere. 

forest fire in india


 Some local people have engaged themselves in burning forests .Perhaps this is an act of fun for them. The actual intension is hunting the forest animals .Due to fire in jungle the animals run here and there and hence trapped by the pre-fixed hunters net. Some animals like deer, elephants and rabbits come to the human settings in fear and hence get killed by peoples .Another intension is to clean the forest ground ,so that the collection of MAHUL flowers and saal leaves will be easy. 


The effect of forest burning is very bad. The main effect is air pollution .The smoke releases from the burning of forest is very harmful and it surrounds the ground level causing respiratory problems and eye pain. Many trees and animals loss their lives. Temperature increases a lot.


1.Awareness among the local people by the social workers and the forest department from the very beginning of the summer season.

2.Rules of the forest department  should be implemented strictly.

3.Setting up more forest houses for forest guards in the jungle area and appointment of needed forest guards. 

4.Regular duties of the forest guards and strict supervision. 

5,Building of water reservoir on rivers nearest to the forest and hillside. So that water can be used when needed.

We should not do such types of work like burning forest and hunting animals as We can not leave without forest.

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